WINNER!: Found Footage - you can do so much with found footage its like endless fun. i love excuses to make shitty shitty found footages that make no sense and/or have innuendo. fine cut found footages seem weird to me. but cool too. i just like shitty self reflexive found footages
2. 48 HOUR - it was my favorite. i like weird live action shit with a doc feel so much.
3. rhythmic editing - shouldve been a different pattern but it was fun filming and editing
4. elements - fun. i dont know. it was funny too. making fun of eddie veder never gets old
5. one take - really fucking cold but shooting film is always fun. learning to develop it was awesome.
6. stop motion - i was in a horrible mood and it is so stupid unless conceptualized. im just a hater right now. i will prob do it in the future but with storyboards this time. and a story. it was funny though. the footage. whatever.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
6x1 advanced. hm. I don't know.
- more painting
- more filming (less digital)
- more babes
- project evals
- only stan brakhage readings
- no stan brakhage readings
- more of that guy who made "Outer Space"
i think it would be cool instead of learning all techniques, to focus on one. like, a 3d stop motion that you work on the whole semester. That would be awesome. A non-digital one. I would have students maybe go find something they enjoy and conceptualize a 6x1 project and then make it. maybe even make it like 1x5. i dont know what else i'd add. just make it one huge project with a conceptualized theme (because they already know the technique) so that they work harder to achieve it though more difficult techniques than final cut and dvx.
- more painting
- more filming (less digital)
- more babes
- project evals
- only stan brakhage readings
- no stan brakhage readings
- more of that guy who made "Outer Space"
i think it would be cool instead of learning all techniques, to focus on one. like, a 3d stop motion that you work on the whole semester. That would be awesome. A non-digital one. I would have students maybe go find something they enjoy and conceptualize a 6x1 project and then make it. maybe even make it like 1x5. i dont know what else i'd add. just make it one huge project with a conceptualized theme (because they already know the technique) so that they work harder to achieve it though more difficult techniques than final cut and dvx.
This movie was awesome. I really like people doing stuff like this. How many other blogs started with that? If i had to read that like 16 times I would go insane. It was an awesome doc though. I wonder how much they get paid? I didn't quite get any of the issues at hand, but it is funny how ridiculously corrupt things can get when people aren't looking. Yea I take that back, I don't want to discuss that at all. How boring is conspiracy theories and political corruption and stuff? I really want to go see the new Star Trek movie. Here is the trailer:
that looks awesome. I think writing blogs makes me dumber. I am glad people actually read it though, because if they I am dumb than they expect a whole lot less from me, so when I make something swell then they are like HOLY shit! whatever.
Star Trek from Sleeper Awake on Vimeo.
that looks awesome. I think writing blogs makes me dumber. I am glad people actually read it though, because if they I am dumb than they expect a whole lot less from me, so when I make something swell then they are like HOLY shit! whatever.
Milk Boy (french) from rob barnett on Vimeo.
HERE IS MY 48 VIDEO. Self-explanatory. Basically I was sitting in my room and my friend Trevor was coming over and I already had the idea that I wanted to shoot with the laptop camera. Then a weird line formed into my head when I was taking my weekly shower which was something like "to fall in love, you must first enter the esophagus and down into the sternum". I thought it was insane so I told trevor that, then I took my lamp and kept rotating it as he discussed what love meant to him. Then I turned on the outside light as he shot fireworks at trees and cars below. I think it is beautiful because it is so fucking stupid. After, I did the trashanimation which looks like something youd see on the local news when they try to do a diagram. What I didnt like was that we had to use the line. Next year should be fireworks I think. Second thought, the line was ok. whatever. most fun project aside from rhythmic.
I really like Shark Watches by FREESTYLE. They just re-released them, and I have a whole lot from when I was a little kid. I appreciate them. What I also appreciate is trashartnewdeckbrofacebook. This is like trash art mixed with facebook photos and a new skateboard deck and some bros who just put it all together. I think I've pioneered a new art form. I call it "stoner dark art." It is basically like facebook pictures and sketches of soup bowls. Rruss Roe pioneered Collabroations and New Deco. New Deco is basically too advanced for anybody to comprehend. Just light off as many firecrackers as possible and your getting close. The new cam'ron cd is coming out. Go GETCHA WET WIPES! I am basically done with college. Whatever. This has been a pretty fun class, I am really glad we had freedom to do whatever we wanted. I find it awesome to make something that I think is stupid and purposeless then go back and see that it was my subconscious in charge. Like the new Taintsmouth. That shit needs so much work but it will be good by the end of the month. whatever. heres a picture of something:
Ideas for CAPTURING IMAGES FOR blahblah over this.jpg
I have one idea for capturing images for the video race. I am writing this in hindsight. The one idea is webcam. The technology that has pretty much enhanced inappropriate flashings, is perfect for making weirdo videos. My idea for it, conceptually, is to make something that I appear to not care about and appears to have something deep among its shallow, shitty quality resolution, but in fact it is just this guy talking about love and then shooting fireworks. Add your own interpretation. I am also pretty interested in what I'd call "trash animation." I love shitty, 90s animated graphics a whole lot -- especially if they have some ridiculous effects that don't have any real purpose. Basically, I mixed both and called it MILK BOI FRENCH because I believe that if milkboi was a different person he'd be like this if that different person was french and fucking loved south carolina. L8z bruhz
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"i like the way you work it, no diggity, i got to bag it bag it"
Rough theaters. Let's discuss.
I think rough theaters are great for theatrical events and special events such as ones displaying films that we make in 6x1, but not so much for epic cinema. Let's face it, if you spend a shit ton of money on say a narrative feature, you want to make sure there are no distractions for the audience. I can see with like shakespeare's theater and such, where it is relatively cheap to produce a play, but not so much for films. With that said, I completely disagree with that. When in a theater, you are subconsciously grounding yourself in audience breathing, coughs, and sometimes whispers. When we went to see No Country for Old Men, this old guy kept describing what was obviously happening on the screen. He sat all the way up front, and because of a lack of music, we could hear him the whole time. Russ yelled, "Yo...SHUT THE FUCK UP!" It was hilarious. I will remember that just as much as I remember the film 10 years from now. What's that say? The experience of viewing it with others and realistic distractions made it even better. With a short film, I think I'd rather people "wild out" like nick ass cannon. As long as they are crunk though. And I was too.
Ok basically this is an interesting article. Except synthetic music is awesome too and the most popular form of music production today, so this article appears slightly dated. Only musical perfectionists can tell a difference, the rest of the generation accepts its synthetic roots and appreciates it as a form of "pop art" and loves the shit. I love that shit. Holla Back.
these bros kill it at "synthetic" music:
MAKING LAMBS ANGER TEASER from oizo mr on Vimeo.
Rough theaters. Let's discuss.
I think rough theaters are great for theatrical events and special events such as ones displaying films that we make in 6x1, but not so much for epic cinema. Let's face it, if you spend a shit ton of money on say a narrative feature, you want to make sure there are no distractions for the audience. I can see with like shakespeare's theater and such, where it is relatively cheap to produce a play, but not so much for films. With that said, I completely disagree with that. When in a theater, you are subconsciously grounding yourself in audience breathing, coughs, and sometimes whispers. When we went to see No Country for Old Men, this old guy kept describing what was obviously happening on the screen. He sat all the way up front, and because of a lack of music, we could hear him the whole time. Russ yelled, "Yo...SHUT THE FUCK UP!" It was hilarious. I will remember that just as much as I remember the film 10 years from now. What's that say? The experience of viewing it with others and realistic distractions made it even better. With a short film, I think I'd rather people "wild out" like nick ass cannon. As long as they are crunk though. And I was too.
Ok basically this is an interesting article. Except synthetic music is awesome too and the most popular form of music production today, so this article appears slightly dated. Only musical perfectionists can tell a difference, the rest of the generation accepts its synthetic roots and appreciates it as a form of "pop art" and loves the shit. I love that shit. Holla Back.
these bros kill it at "synthetic" music:
MAKING LAMBS ANGER TEASER from oizo mr on Vimeo.
Basically, it is retarded to sue people. I only slightly care about this situation though. People just need to recognize that "art" doesn't actually exist. What is deemed as "art" ranges from "everything" to the mona lisa, so how can anybody say that shit is an artistic rendition of something blah blah. People consider photos as artistic. Shit, half the photos out there considered artistic were a complete accident then the photographer in the greenroom said "HOT DAMN!" as he looked into his newly formed image resting in a blanket of chemicals. So basically, if you want to attempt an artistic rendition, do it, and if you get sued, stop whining. I have stolen so many fucking images for my animation that its disgusting. I mean, what i DO rotoscope for animation is always loosely based off the image and such, but who am i to say my version of their image is more artistic than theirs? Is it because i'd be probably right? Do you know how many idiots exist in America? The world? At the end of college humor videos, there is another showing of their "college humor" logo. As this logo is displayed, a sound of a very un-funny (or mediocre funny if you are semi-retarded and live in a world where everything is black and white and the nazi's won WW2) grunt plays. This makes me think, "who the fuck thought of this [idea to include a grunt]?" Then i remember that the people who look at college humor are most likely fratastic or ex-fratastic bros who need something to show their "friends" at lunch at their cubicle job or real estate internship. Basically, america is fucking stupid, along with the rest of the world. People need Al Gore to tell them their cars are fucking up the world. So if you want to create "art," don't expect anybody to "get it" or back you up when pepsi is suing your ass.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I'd insert an animated gif to describe the one shot filming, but there isn't an animated gif alive on this planet earth that could begin to comprehend the amalgamated feelings of love and hate encapsulated in a single take on the bolex. (I'm am not 100% that last sentence makes any sense, but in lieu of scratch film junkies, i'll just say its art.) Basically, the day started with me waking up on a couch, intensely hung over from the dance party last night at the sandbar. I woke up at the house next to RUSS ROE'S HOUSE (he drinks everyone! haha, RUSS LOOKS LIKE AN IDIOT NOW WORLD!), mainly because the night before i couldn't take the insanity that was occurring at his house. Mind you, i don't mean insanity as in, "YOO THIS PARTY WAS CRAZY! YO!" but rather too strange to handle at 4-6am. While the tenants of the house slept, a few stragglers looking for a sense of an "after party" ventured into realms of lesbian sex, awkward drama precluding a car smashing into a fire hydrant (from texting), chain smoking of cigarettes (inspired by Revolutionary Road), and other shit bordering on something [insert crazy writer guy (can be obscure) here] would think up.
I digress. The day started out with Joselyn's super "artistic" film which included me putting on a costume and dancing hard then standing there. I enjoyed this, even when the heavens opened up and we were cleansed of our impure usage of 16mm film. They once said Jesus lived inside celluloid. Actually, nobody ever said that. Anyway, some shit happened, it was cold, we got the shot. Eventually, Fiberboard 1972 was born. It was awesome. A wife cant take her husband's post traumatic stress syndrome from the vietnam war, so she kills him, resulting in him coming back alive including all of his fears. 2 fine young men took the awesomeness into their own hands and ate shit into freezing cold puddles. I salute these fine young men. Hollaback.
I digress. The day started out with Joselyn's super "artistic" film which included me putting on a costume and dancing hard then standing there. I enjoyed this, even when the heavens opened up and we were cleansed of our impure usage of 16mm film. They once said Jesus lived inside celluloid. Actually, nobody ever said that. Anyway, some shit happened, it was cold, we got the shot. Eventually, Fiberboard 1972 was born. It was awesome. A wife cant take her husband's post traumatic stress syndrome from the vietnam war, so she kills him, resulting in him coming back alive including all of his fears. 2 fine young men took the awesomeness into their own hands and ate shit into freezing cold puddles. I salute these fine young men. Hollaback.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
:). I THINK that scratch film junkies are very very interesting. By this, I mean that they are interesting people. Basically, their version of ARTAY (art in latin) is basically manipulating film and cutting it all together. By manipulating film, I mean just doing shit to it, whether or not there is a goal intended. Painters normally do this when they are drunk I am sure. What I am trying to say, is that as opposed to Stan Brakhage, these guys are little newbies. It is cool and aesthetically pleasing, but it gets so irritating. Not only is the soundtrack typically irritating in a scratch film junkies film, you get a sense that "hey, these guys are kooky and totally themselves and are expressing themselves in a big city where people attempt to one up each other in terms of 'art' and whether or not they create something 'original'." Basically, I would hate these guys if I met them in real life. Well, hate is a strong word. These guys seem just like goobs. By goobs, I mean pretty worthless when it comes to asking their opinion about anything that is 'important'. Not that I don't think they could possibly give good advice, but when their masterpieces or thrust of life comes in the form of just fucking with film and thinking its awesome, I don't know if I would trust them on whether or not to buy a morning after pill for a girlfriend when I have like no cash, but shit. I don't know. Fuck scratch film junkies. No offense to them though. Their shit is kind of cool. For one minute.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Let me first start off by describing my unfathomable love for jpegs. I fucking love jpegs. I think they add more to film than sound. Call me crazy but I think that during a scene where a woman is thinking of jumping off a cliff but decides that she loves life and that jumping off a cliff is dumb and decides to walk, a picture in picture jpeg of a puppy doing something silly would be a lot better than a relieving score climbing into our ears. BUHREALLYDO, I think sound is quite awesome too. I think that The Fountain shows off how awesome sound is. Clint Mansell, master of sick ass soundtracks, does the score for it. Who is Clint Mansell? You've probably heard his song that he scored for Requiem for a Dream. Its played on every fucking 'epic' 'altbro' movie trailer ever. More specifically, the two towers trailer. whatever. ANYWHO, this guy Clint started as just a college kid playing electronic music in an electronic band, no real formal orchestral training, and decides to just all out pwn filmgoer's ears by making the sickest soundtracks ever. The score for The Fountain is like a phrase or two, repeated and played different as the film progresses. This repitition, as seen in a lot of electro/techno music (note Clint's backgrounds), instills a certain feeling in us. This feeling is accessed during different points of the film to help us subtly or subconsciously relate to it. This is AWESOME for The Fountain, as it is basically a movie of 3 different time periods with the same characters. They dont live the same life, but you are supposed to infer that they are connected. During the midevil aspect, there would be an epic midevil version of the phrase, a more symphonic version of the phrase in the present, and a super intense version of it during the future. This referencing and repetition is basically the future of movie scoring and is totally refreshing. I put all this forth because I think everything described in the article is a "duh" so I wanted to use that and add a new way music and sound could help us while watching a film. IT CAN HELP US TRAVEL THROUGH TIME. Holla back.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dear Stanley,
I am not quite sure who the HELL you are but I found your letter to be quite interesting sir. Listen, bro, I appreciate your enthusiasm and all, but I'm like a hella-educated film student. Let me explain. I take a film class called 6x1. In this class, we are taught the same shit you just wrote to me, so don't write to me saying I'm gonna be scared to try anything or thinking you can discourage me. Bro, we went to highschool together. I don't even know how you have my address. It doesn't even matter.
Listen, I happen to love 16m and 35mm cameras and correct exposure. You hate light meters and then go off talking about how much film costs to waste. Without a light meter, you are gonna waste more. Or maybe not. Maybe you are a fucking genius who made that movie about the woman giving birth - who knows. RAGENET.
Your points are often ["get up get up get down with the..."] SICK ["...ness" - 90's band] and very valuable in my quest in cameraless crunking with film. Crunk means crazy-drunk [...whatever]. I do plan on getting a fucking lot of india ink and making a film I'd like to call Aliens Vs. Predator 3: VIRUS. The india in, in its McCrackly texture, would represent the accidental landing of the aliens on either (the aliens from the movie Alien). A flashlight, with a CTB (damn, did I know that? oh word?) slappin the hell out of a daylight exposure film (5,500k - did you know dat, Stanley? pwned) which would expose certain parts for a desired effect of the Predator following the alien to earth as his spaceship illuminates in flames as it rapes through the atmosphere. I plan on painting on already exposed found film, red, (RAGENET) to show that when the predator go here, he actually has predator aids, but when predators die of predator aids, they explode. The predator explodes (red paint) on some humans, turning the humans into zombies (the found footage of people). From then on, shit happens. Its gonna be predators vs aliens vs zombies. Whatever.
Listen, Stan, I have to go sip on some sizzerp and get to making this shit. Thanks for teaching me some things, buhreallydo, my teacher, Muenster Andre, already taught me like everything you just attempted. Amirite or amirite. Whatever.
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
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