Friday, January 23, 2009


Animal Collective "My Girls" from Chad von Nau on Vimeo.


Dear Stanley,
I am not quite sure who the HELL you are but I found your letter to be quite interesting sir. Listen, bro, I appreciate your enthusiasm and all, but I'm like a hella-educated film student.  Let me explain.  I take a film class called 6x1.  In this class, we are taught the same shit you just wrote to me, so don't write to me saying I'm gonna be scared to try anything or thinking you can discourage me.  Bro, we went to highschool together.  I don't even know how you have my address.  It doesn't even matter. 
Listen, I happen to love 16m and 35mm cameras and correct exposure.  You hate light meters and then go off talking about how much film costs to waste.  Without a light meter, you are gonna waste more.  Or maybe not.  Maybe you are a fucking genius who made that movie about the woman giving birth - who knows.  RAGENET.  
Your points are often ["get up get up get down with the..."] SICK ["...ness" - 90's band] and very valuable in my quest in cameraless crunking with film.  Crunk means crazy-drunk [...whatever].  I do plan on getting a fucking lot of india ink and making a film I'd like to call Aliens Vs. Predator 3: VIRUS.  The india in, in its McCrackly texture, would represent the accidental landing of the aliens on either (the aliens from the movie Alien).  A flashlight, with a CTB (damn, did I know that? oh word?) slappin the hell out of a daylight exposure film (5,500k - did you know dat, Stanley? pwned) which would expose certain parts for a desired effect of the Predator following the alien to earth as his spaceship illuminates in flames as it rapes through the atmosphere.  I plan on painting on already exposed found film, red, (RAGENET) to show that when the predator go here, he actually has predator aids, but when predators die of predator aids, they explode.  The predator explodes (red paint) on some humans, turning the humans into zombies (the found footage of people).  From then on, shit happens.  Its gonna be predators vs aliens vs zombies.  Whatever.
Listen, Stan, I have to go sip on some sizzerp and get to making this shit.  Thanks for teaching me some things, buhreallydo, my teacher, Muenster Andre, already taught me like everything you just attempted. Amirite or amirite.  Whatever.


You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette

Thursday, January 22, 2009


this shit is in right now no big whoop.  babes.

Thursday, January 15, 2009