:). I THINK that scratch film junkies are very very interesting. By this, I mean that they are interesting people. Basically, their version of ARTAY (art in latin) is basically manipulating film and cutting it all together. By manipulating film, I mean just doing shit to it, whether or not there is a goal intended. Painters normally do this when they are drunk I am sure. What I am trying to say, is that as opposed to Stan Brakhage, these guys are little newbies. It is cool and aesthetically pleasing, but it gets so irritating. Not only is the soundtrack typically irritating in a scratch film junkies film, you get a sense that "hey, these guys are kooky and totally themselves and are expressing themselves in a big city where people attempt to one up each other in terms of 'art' and whether or not they create something 'original'." Basically, I would hate these guys if I met them in real life. Well, hate is a strong word. These guys seem just like goobs. By goobs, I mean pretty worthless when it comes to asking their opinion about anything that is 'important'. Not that I don't think they could possibly give good advice, but when their masterpieces or thrust of life comes in the form of just fucking with film and thinking its awesome, I don't know if I would trust them on whether or not to buy a morning after pill for a girlfriend when I have like no cash, but shit. I don't know. Fuck scratch film junkies. No offense to them though. Their shit is kind of cool. For one minute.